Keizer Karel ommegang 33cl

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Yes 8% 33cl
Keizer Karel ommegang 33cl
  • Taste:
  • The flowery and spicy taste of the three varieties of hops develops into a complex bitterness.

  • Type:
  • Top fermentation, re-fermented in the bottle.
  • Color:
  • bright yellow-coloured.
  • Ideal temperature:
  • 7°C => 45°F
  • Ingredients:
  • Barley malt, yeast, hops & water
  • More info


What do you think when you hear the word `ommegang`?

 Ommegang is made up of 2 Dutch words: ‘omme’ (around) and ‘gang’ (a walk). It is commonly used to refer to festivals, processions and pageants with a party atmosphere. Haacht Brewery has been a loyal partner of one of these processions in particular, the Brussels' Ommegang, for over than 10 years.

 Each year the Ommegang procession in Brussels attracts followers from all over the world who relive the joyous arrival of Emperor Charles V(*) and his entourage in 1549 to Brussels. Find out more about this fabulous event on

 All that was missing was a beer that was equally 'distinctive' but which could be enjoyed throughout the whole year. Ommegang first saw the light of day during the Brussels' Ommegang in 2011. Due to its overwhelming popularity, Ommegang has been a fixed part of the Charles Quint range since Spring 2012.

 Ommegang. Not the first, but the best!

 (*) Emperor Charles V (1500-1558) was born in Ghent and spent a large part of his youth in Belgium.

He is considered as one of the greatest ever emperors. His empire was eventually so great that people used to say that the sun never set on it. Emperor Charles V is also often considered as the forefather of Europe.

 But Charles V was not just a great figure. He was also a fervent beer lover. In his honour, Haacht Brewery has created the Charles Quint range of beers that are fit for an emperor. 

Article number: FBB22674